Communication, Coaching, Writing.
Duis pretium sollicitudin lacus. Vivamus laoreet euismod sapien, efficitur fringilla ante imperdiet eget.
Psychiatrist Author Speaker
Rob is a Consultant Psychiatrist working for the NHS in Scotland, author of five books and was a founding director of the Mind and Soul Foundation.
Kate is a psychologist with a particular interest in the way our emotions affect us. She's passionate about helping people keep emotionally healthy in spite of what life throws at them, and helping people thrive even through life's challenging times. She's also an ordained Anglican priest, currently based in Brighton, a speaker and author.
Chi-Chi is a Consultant Psychiatrist practicing in the NHS and at the Nightingale Hospital, central London's leading private mental health hospital. He has an International Health BSc from University College London and an MBA from Imperial College London. He completed his postgraduate training in London and has been a Consultant since 2014.
Connect with Chi-Chi on X: @ChiChiObuaya
Arianna Walker is an international speaker, an author and the CEO of Mercy UK – a Christian charity committed to educating leaders, equipping individuals and empowering churches.